Friday, January 29, 2010

NinasNicheLAF Body Cues: Teaching Posture Based Step Movement Class

Nina’s LAF Body Cues

Teaching Posture Based Step Movement Class

Level Jaw

Visible Neck
There are 7 neck vertebras. Most people carry their head as if there are 5 or less. This can be witnessed by the folding of the neck flesh. A properly held head will not cause the skin on the neck to crease or fold like a Sharpei or turtle/cowl neck sweater.

Shoulders Low
The lower third of the trapezius assists rhomboids in properly positioning the scapula.

“Watch your Back”
Exercises need to learn to visually appraise their own lower back positioning during all activities. This includes non-gym activities such as N.E.A.T and daily chores. (Non exercise activity thermogenesis)

Long Lifted Waist
When the back and belly muscles act together to support the lumbar spine, the rib cage remains as if floating above the pelvis. Back and belly muscles really are never to work independently, but always as a united team.

Flex Glutes
For Leg Lifts, Holds and Stabilizations

Field Goal Arms
2- 90 degree Elbows

“Don’t Drop Your Forehead”

“Don’t Hunch”
Rounding your spine during movements when a neutral and uplifted spine are appropriate is really, really poor form and will send you to the doctor or chiropractor in just a matter of time.

“Don’t Shrug”
Flexion of the upper trapezius and lifting the mantle of scapula, collar bones and humerus does not assist leg and core movements in any way.

“Bend your legs not OVER”
This cue references bending the ankles, knees and hips to lower the torso not hunching the spine or hinging at the waist to stoop awkwardly. “Hunching” is the avoidance of maintaining leg strength and range of motion.

“Look out at Horizon” = “Eyes on your Eyebrows”
This cue refers to sighting outward not downward at the floor below you. After exercisers assure themselves the floor is still where they last saw it, the head and eyes needs to return to a neutral and healthy position. Exercising with your head down is not favorable to C7.

“Figure 8”
This cue refers to cyclical continuous oscillations of upper body that integrate with lower body movements. The shoulders initiate actual movement at the hips or feet when the body is knitted together like a symphony and the core unites the limbs in refined movement.